Monday, September 17, 2012

The first month of Fall 2012

Sorry, I was actually hoping to write one after the first week of school.  Now, it's like 1 month later.  So, for Fall 2012, I am taking EDEA 604 Qualitative Methods, EDEA 630 Higher Education Law, (both with Prof. Collins), EDEA 720 Administrative Internship (with Prof. Museus) and EDCS 640M, which is a Curriculum Studies class, Indigenous and Post-Colonial Perspectives in Education (with Prof. Kaomea).  Total equals to 12 credits!  Which is crazy and more than a full-time load.  Plus, I just recently got hired as a graduate assistant.

EDEA 604: Qualitative Meths
I choose this class, because I thought it was easier and better than quantitative meths.  Plus, I also find it more useful to use qualitative in my research interests.  It's a really interesting class and the books help me to understand about qualitative easier.  It's a fancy word!  A fancy word that's very complicated.  I'm glad I already took EDEA 602, since it helped me with basic research knowledge.  This class consists of online blogging which is my learning portfolio, class participation, a few exercises and a research proposal.

EDEA 630: Higher Ed. Law
Again, I choose this class because I thought it would be way easier than the Finance class, which wasn't offered.  Wrong again!  This class had final test at the end, which I'm really worried about.  Law.  Law's very complicated to understand, especially the terminology used and the court cases.  I guess it's why I'm not a law student and thinking that I wanted to get into law.  Besides the final exam (which I dislike taking tests, hence I only choose grad programs that did not require the GRE), there's 4 court briefs for the semester and the first one is due in couple days.  And class participation.

EDEA 720: Internship
So, part of my internship is assisting Prof. Museus in organizing a summit in October.  It should be very interesting and I look forward to meeting new people and learn about the new research emerging relevant to Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.  Since that only consists of a short amount of hours, I need to fulfill the rest of the required hours.  More details to come.

EDCS 640M: Indigenous & Post-Colonial Perpectives in Ed
I choose this class, because it is the only Indigenous class offered in the College of Education.  And since, my primary research interest is Indigenous education, I really needed to take this class.  Very interesting class!!! It's pretty cool, because we only meet every other week to have discussion.  The readings and videos are very interesting and relevant.  The only downfall to it, is that it's on Fridays, the last day of the week and by then, my brain stops functioning.  It's pretty challenging for me to stay awake and pay attention.  This class only requires a final presentation or paper and a 2-page self assessment.  EASY!!!

I am so stoke to finally have a job!  The whole first year of grad school, been applying everywhere to different places.  And finally, mahalo Ke Akua!!!  I am now a graduate assistant for Puʻuhonua: Hale for Native Hawaiian Student Support.  It is apart of the Office for Academic Student Services in the College of Education.  I help assist the coordinator in the recruitment, retention and graduation of Native Hawaiians in the COE, and assist in coordinating activities and events.

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