Tuesday, November 6, 2012

EDEA 604 Blog 8: Conducting a Focus Group Interview

We just completed two focus groups for a project.  Although we had fewer participants than we had expected, we did obtain a lot of data that will become very helpful.  In our second focus group, we were only able to have two participants.  So, reflecting on that, I felt that it will be a little difficult with just two participants.  However, we proceeded with conducting the interview anyway, and in the end, it was successful in obtaining the data.

As we did with our first focus groups at our other site, we have separated the males and the females.  This decision was a thoughtful decision based on cultural and gender factors, that may or may not affect our process of collecting data.  If we are trying to collect in-depth and "fat" data, then, we had to ensure we get the most out of each individual in each group.  Therefore, we felt that it would be more beneficial to separate by gender.  They're things that males will or or will not share, should there be other females present.

My role while assisting in the focus group, was quietly taking hand notes on similar and different experiences, non-verbal actions and any other things that stood out.  My other job is transcribing and I along with others, are still trying to transcribe our earlier focus groups.  It definitely takes a toll on you and makes it boring and tiring to type everything verbatim.  It is why transcribing focus groups is a challenge.  It's been months, and we're behind and so, while these two groups are fresh in my mind for the next couple days, I really need to start transcribing them.

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